
Val di Croina, Canyon di Tiarno, Gorg d'Abiss, Torrente Massanglia, Canyon de Tiarno, Gorg de l'Abyss, Val di Croina, Tiarno Last Update: 10.07.2023 by Daniel Sturm
Country: Italia / Italy
Subregion: Trento / Provincia autonoma di Trento
Town: Tiarno
v4 a4 II
2x 25m
Car required
2.7 (5)
2 (3)
2.7 (3)
Kurzer Abseil- und Lauf-Canyon mit Grotte
Short rappel and walk canyon with grotto
Kurzer Abseil- und Lauf-Canyon mit Grotte
Short rappel and walk canyon with grotto
Von Riva di Garda am Nordufer des Gardasees auf der SS 240 in Richtung Storo, Idrosee. Vorbei am Ledrosee bei Tiarno di Sotta re. ab und ein Auto bei der Straßenverzweigung am Bach parken (ca. 20 km ab Riva). Mit dem zweiten Fahrzeug - oder zu Fuß - die schmale Straße am orograf. li. Hang der Massangla hinauf in das Val di Croina (Wanderweg 415). Nach ca. 1,5 km kreuzt die Straße den Bach. Jenseits der Brücke Parkmöglichkeit.
From Riva di Garda, on the north shore of Lake Garda, take the SS 240 towards Storo, Lake Idro. Passing Lake Ledro, turn right at Tiarno di Sotta and park a car at the road junction by the stream (about 20 km from Riva). With the second car - or on foot - take the narrow road along the orographic left slope of Massangla up into Val di Croina (trail 415). After about 1.5 km the road crosses the stream. Beyond the bridge parking possibility.
Approach (5 min):
Auf der Straße ca. 100 m zurück und auf Maultierpfad re. hinunter zum Bach . Alternativ bei der Brücke in den Bach hineinseilen.
On the road about 100 m back and on mule trail right down to the creek . Alternatively, rope into the stream at the bridge.
Tour (1 h):
Nur 3 bis 4 Abseiler, einer davon aus der Grotte durch den Strahl in's Freie. Anfangs von der Brücke schön, danach gehatsche und ein paar kleine Rutschen und Abkletterstellen. Finale durch die Grotte. Vor der Grotte Notausstieg davor offener Charakter.
Only 3 to 4 rappel, one of them from the grotto through the beam into the open. Initially from the bridge nice, then gehatsche and a few small slides and downclimb. Final through the grotto. Before the grotto emergency exit before open character.
Return (10 min):
Nach der Grotte rechts hinaus und auf Weg hinunter zum Auto.
After the grotto, go out to the right and down the path to the car.


Alternative Canyon Start
45.9018°, 10.6727°
DMS: 45° 54" 6.48', 10° 40" 21.72'

DM: 45° 54.108", 10° 40.362"

Google Maps
Einstieg nach dem Bachlatscher, dann empfiehlt es sich allerdings weiter vorn zu parken.
Canyon End
45.8985°, 10.6728°
DMS: 45° 53" 54.6', 10° 40" 22.08'

DM: 45° 53.91", 10° 40.368"

Google Maps
Parking at Entry
45.9055°, 10.67303°
DMS: 45° 54" 19.8', 10° 40" 22.91'

DM: 45° 54.33", 10° 40.382"

Google Maps
Parking at Exit
45.896688°, 10.676703°
DMS: 45° 53" 48.08', 10° 40" 36.13'

DM: 45° 53.801", 10° 40.602"

Google Maps
Canyon Start
45.90538°, 10.673°
DMS: 45° 54" 19.37', 10° 40" 22.8'

DM: 45° 54.323", 10° 40.38"

Google Maps
Einstieg bei der Brücke
14.08.2024 Zeau_be ★★★★★ 📖 ★★★ ★★★ 💧 Normal Completed ✔
Automatisch importiert von für Canyon Tiarno Underrated canyon. A nice but short estrecho, a lovely cave with in-the-water rappels or guided rappels, and quick in and out. Good for an afternoon of fun with beginners. (Quelle:
09.07.2024 Marosffy Dániel ★★★★★ 📖 ★★★ ★★★ 💧 High Completed ✔
Very short but carries abundant water (especially now after rain) that makes it rather sporty, manageable though, thanks to being over-equipped. Headlamp needed for the cave.
03.09.2023 Mazzoldi ★★★★★ 📖 ★★★ ★★★ 💧 High Completed ✕
Avvicinamento dal basso a piedi, 100m prima del ponte comodo sentiero che ti porta al greto (sconsiglio discesa nel punto intermedio presente su questo sito) Nela prima parte belle vasche di cui due trovate tuffabili, poi orizzontale ma mai brutto e infine le due calate nella stupenda grotta (la prima tuffata dopo verifica) Breve ma consiglio vivamente.
Approach from the bottom on foot, 100m before the bridge convenient path that takes you to the creek (I do not recommend descent in the intermediate point present on this site) In the first part beautiful pools of which two found diveable, then horizontal but never ugly and finally the two descents into the beautiful cave (the first dive after verification) Short but highly recommend.
04.07.2023 Daniel Sturm ★★★★★ 📖 ★★★ ★★★ 💧 Low Completed ✔
Alles perfekt eingebaut. Einige Abkletterstellen, zwischen der Brücke und der Grotte einiges an Gehstrecke. Letzter Teil 5 Sterne, erster Teil 4, Mitte 2 Sterne.
Everything perfectly installed. Some abseiling places, between the bridge and the grotto some walking distance. Last part 5 stars, first part 4, middle 2 stars.
09.03.2023 System User ★★★★★ 📖 ★★★ ★★★
Info: Teile der Canyonbeschreibung wurden automatisiert übernommen. Konkret die Felder Weblinks, Koordinaten, Rating, Länge des Canyon, Einfachseil Mindestens von
09.03.2023 System User ★★★★★ 📖 ★★★ ★★★
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