Rio Siera Di Sappada

Last Update: 31.05.2023 by Daniel Sturm
Country: Italia / Italy
Subregion: Udine
Town: Sappada
v3 a2 III
on Foot
3.1 (2)
2 (1)
1 (1)
Offene und eingeschnittene Schluchten Passagen wechseln sich ab.\nAn vernünftigen Wasserdursatz mangelt es hier zumeist, darum ist diese Tour eher nach ausgiebigen Regenfällen lohnend. Achtung: rutschig!
Open and cut canyons passages alternate.\nAn reasonable water thirst rate is lacking here mostly, so this tour is worthwhile rather after extensive rainfall. Attention: slippery!
Offene und eingeschnittene Schluchten Passagen wechseln sich ab.\nAn vernünftigen Wasserdursatz mangelt es hier zumeist, darum ist diese Tour eher nach ausgiebigen Regenfällen lohnend. Achtung: rutschig!
Open and cut canyons passages alternate.\nAn reasonable water thirst rate is lacking here mostly, so this tour is worthwhile rather after extensive rainfall. Attention: slippery!
Auf der SR355 nach Sappada.\nAn der Westseite der Brücke über den Rio del Mulino (rechtes Ufer) zweigt eine Straße hinunter zur Piave ab. An der T-Kreuzung noch 150m rechts zu einem vernünftigen Parkplatz neben dem Piave Fluss.
On SR355 to Sappada.\nOn the west side of the bridge over the Rio del Mulino (right bank) a road branches off down to the Piave. At the T-junction another 150m right to a reasonable parking lot next to the Piave River.
Approach (55 min):
Beim Parkplatz über die Piave Brücke und den Weg 316 durch den Wald empor folgen. Später verläuft der Weg entlang der Felswand bis zu einer kleinen Baumstamm-Brücke über unseren Bach. Hier einsteigen.
At the parking lot, cross the Piave bridge and follow path 316 up through the forest. Later the path runs along the rock wall until a small log bridge over our stream. Get on here.
Tour (2 h 30):
Die zuerst offene Schlucht schneidet sich mehr und mehr ein und wird zunehmend zu einem richtigen Canyon.\nWer im unteren Drittel (dort wo die Klamm am dunkelsten ist) den Stand nicht gleich findet, der möge weit nach rechts schauen um den einsamen Haken zu erspähen.\nDie alten Haken und Schlingen bei den letzten Wasserfällen stammen wahrscheinlich vom Eisklettern.
The first open gorge cuts more and more and becomes increasingly a real canyon.\nIf you do not immediately find the belaystation in the lower third (where the gorge is darkest), look far to the right to spot the lonely anchor.\nThe old hooks and slings at the last waterfalls probably come from ice climbing.
Return (20 min):
20min öde Bachbett-Hatscherei bringen uns wieder zum Parkplatz.
20min of dull streambed hassle brings us back to the parking lot.


Canyon Start
46.5486°, 12.6947°
DMS: 46° 32" 54.96', 12° 41" 40.92'

DM: 46° 32.916", 12° 41.682"

Google Maps
Parking Entry and Exit
46.5615°, 12.6879°
DMS: 46° 33" 41.4', 12° 41" 16.44'

DM: 46° 33.69", 12° 41.274"

Google Maps
Canyon End
46.5557°, 12.6952°
DMS: 46° 33" 20.52', 12° 41" 42.72'

DM: 46° 33.342", 12° 41.712"

Google Maps


04.06.2024 Montie ★★★★★ 📖 ★★★ ★★★ 💧 High Completed ✔
The description of the canyon makes you think that you should go in during high water levels, which I do not agree with. I suppose the description was written in the fall or in a dry summer, because on june 4th (and 3 days after a lot of rain) the water level during our descent (see pictures and video) would be what I would consider the maximum level with the current anchor situation. The anchor situation is currently bad - very bad! We had to place nuts and pitons on some rappels (unfortunately only brought a hand drill, did not want to spend too much time drilling). Next person to descend this canyon: please take a drill and a good amount of bolts :) The anchors are currently placed so that you have to take the most intense route straight through the water, which at higher water levels is uncomfortable or dangerous. This can easily be avoided with better anchor placement. Check the water level before you go (follow the path parallel to the Rio Siera the reach the point of the picture).
09.03.2023 System User ★★★★★ 📖 ★★★ ★★★
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